Taft High School Class of 1974
Main Page List of Class Members News In Memory Scrapbook
List of Teachers Message Board Guestbook Contact Information
Contributing To Our Site "Missing" Classmates


If you have any photos, newspaper clippings, or "anything scannable," please send them to us.

Class online photo album

If you have any photos to add, please send them to jeanne@taft74.com

Thirty-five year reunion photos

 Thirty year reunion photos

Twenty-five year reunion photo

Twenty year reunion photo
Submitted by Larry Cox

Fifteen year reunion -- Reunion Photo Directory
Page 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  

Candid photos taken by Lana Field Compton

Ten Year Reunion
Reunion photo

Reunion Directory
Page 1  2  3  

Five year reunion photo

Yearbook Photos
Submitted by Tim Hardin

Senior Photos
Glenda Abney to Gordon Ballinger
Rick Balsinger to Glenn Benzing
Joe Bernier to Connie Brewer
Karen Brock to Kim Campbell
Ron Campbell to Teresa Colwell
Debbie Combs to Rick Dalessandro
Melanie Dane to Mary Eads
Joe Eikenberry to Mark Fletcher
Susan Flynn to Connie Gillespie
Barbara Glaab to Paul Hamann
Mark Hambleton to Janet Hingsbergen
Julie Hinshaw to Cheryl Ingram
Doug Ingram to Tim Jones
Phillip Jordan to Kris Kyle
Sally Lacker to Sharon Lumpkin
Mabel McCowan to Don Menke
Diane Menzer to Darlene Norris
Craig Oldenettall to James Powell
Linda Prall to Kathy Retherford
Denise Reynolds to Steve Rose
Karen Rost to Greg Sexton
Nancy Shaffer to Sergio Sotelo
Nina Sparks to Roger Sturm
John Sutter to Ken Tracy
Randy Trimble to Barb Washam
Rob Weaver to Paul Williams
Debbie Willis to Kriste Zeller

Taft Tribunes

Newspaper articles


"Joys and Sorrows", March, 1973, Taft vs. Elder (Sally Lacker, Susan Herrmann)

    Photo, Basketball team, Fall, 1973 (Coach Marv McCollum, Tony Sword, Mark Sanders)

"Attaway fellows....Go Gettem" , Fall, 1973 ( Yvonne Beachler, Anne Fitton, Sue Niedfeldt)


"Cast and Crew For Spring Play"

"Drama Department to Open New Year" (Lana Field, Terry Tincher, Gordon Ballinger)

"Taft's Children's Play 'Bugs!' set Nov. 14-17" (Joanne Dister, Joe Costanzo, Terry Tincher)


"Open House at YWCA Favorite Spot For Junior High School Set", December, 1969

"A Perfect Sunday for Graduation Day", June, 1974

"Taft High to Welcome New Students", Fall, 1971

"Educators for a Day", Spring, 1974 (Tim Dugan)

"State Honor Awarded", Spring, 1974 (Linda Prall)

Junior High

Wilson Harding

Wilson Web:  "Glee Clubs Are Outstanding In
Two Performances Monday" and "Awards Assembly Held Monday"
Harding Varsity Basketball Team
Wilson Web: "Honor Roll" Harding Girls Gym Assistants
Wilson Web:  "Bill Berridge Wins School Spelling Bee" Girls Soccer Champs
Wilson Web: "Honor Society" Harding Honor Society
"Student Teacher at Wilson Shows Fine Art of
Chopsticks", 1970 (Lana Field, , Kathy Hopkins, Mary Leipzig, Pam Rogers) 
Harding Girls Varsity and Reserve Basketball team
"Honor Roll Announced At Harding Junior High", 1968 Harding Student News
"Wilson Jr. High's Girls' Basketball Squad", 1970 Boys Gym Assistants

Wilson Web:  "Right On Baseball Team", 1971

Boys Soccer
Wilson Web/Journal-News:  Miscellaneous baseball articles  
Wilson Web:  " A Tribute to Wilson's Athletes", 1971  
Wilson Web:  "Sweetest Sweethearts", 1972  


  Guess Who?? (photos)

Other Items

International Thespian Society Membership card

Spirit badges

From Frau Moore's songbook

Graduation announcement

Commencement program